Papa Ola Lōkahi’s health agenda features programs and policies that will help us achieve our goals, and are defined by the agreements we enter into that address Hawaiian health and well-being.

POL Responsibilities Defined by Statute:

Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement Act (42 USC 122) is national in scope. Papa Ola Lōkahi is charged to:

  1. Coordinate, implement and update a Native Hawaiian comprehensive master plan designed to promote comprehensive health promotion and disease prevention services to improve and maintain the health status of Native Hawaiians.
  2. Conduct training for Native Hawaiian care practitioners, community outreach workers, counselors, and cultural educators to educate the Native Hawaiian population regarding health promotion and disease prevention.
  3. Identify and perform research into diseases that are most prevalent among Native Hawaiians.
  4. Develop an action plan outlining the contributions that each member organization of Papa Ola Lōkahi will make in carrying out in the policy of the NHHCIA.
  5. Serve as a Clearinghouse for (1) collecting and maintaining data associated with the health status of Native Hawaiians; (2) identifying and researching diseases affecting Native Hawaiians; and (3) collecting and distributing information about available Native Hawaiian project funds, research projects and publications.
  6. Coordinate and assist health care programs and services provided to Native Hawaiians.
  7. Administer special projects.

Hawaii Revised Statutes 453-2: Convene independent Kupuna Councils of traditional Hawaiian healers.

  • Convene Kupuna Councils of traditional Hawaiian healers.

Hawaii Revised Statutes 10-18: Hui Imi Advisory Task Force

  • Serve as liaison between public and private entitites serving the Hawaiian community in the planning and development of collaborative endeavors.

Senate Resolution 60 SD1 (2014): Establish Native Hawaiian Health Task Force

  • Convened by the John A. Burns School of Medicine, submit findings and recommendations to the State Legislature.

Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 74, SD1 (2018):  An Assessment of the Impact on Social, Financial, and Cultural Integrity of Providing Health Coverage for Certain Native Hawaiian Culture-Based Activities.

  • Report submitted to Senate leadership December 2019.

Hawaii Revised Statutes 457J-6:  Exemption to Midwives Licensing Program

  • Exemption to midwife licensure are “Native Hawaiian healers engaged in traditional healing practices of prenatal, maternal, and childcare as recognized by any council of kupuna convened by Papa Ola Lokahi.”

Click here for more hearings, studies, actions and reports that have impacted the kuleana and activities of Papa Ola Lokahi (pp. 20-31)