Healthy lifestyles, disease prevention and health promotion are critical to reducing the impact of chronic disease and other conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, kidney diseases, cancer and obesity.

Lōkahi – our ancestors thrived by maintaining balanced physical, emotional and spiritual well-being by eating well, engaging in daily physical work and play, implementing sound public health practices, and employing preventive measures to avoid advanced illness or injury.

Since Western contact, disease and loss of access to have dramatically impacted the once thriving lāhui, reshaping the very way of life for the people of Hawaiʻi.  A While genetics can play a role, some chronic conditions can be mitigated with simple lifestyle changes. Some preventive actions include physical activity, a nutritious diet, breastfeeding and tobacco control and prevention.

Systemic strategies include wise public health policy at all levels, affordable health care and increased access  to ‘āina to grow food.


Nutrition & Food Systems

Physical Activity

Tobacco Control and Prevention

Program Staff

  • Nāpua Casson-Fisher

    she/her/ʻo ia

    Director, Community Initiatives

  • Camille McComas

    Program Specialist - Substance Use & Mental Health

  • Falahola Kanongataa

    Program Specialist, ’Ohana CoE

  • Cathy Ferreira

    she/her/ʻo ia

    Administrative Support

  • Lilinoe Kauahikaua

    she/her/ʻo ia

    Program Coordinator - Substance Use & Mental Health

  • Kawehi Moderow

    Population Health Specialist - Chronic Conditions

  • Kuaiwi Laka Kahiwakapu Pili I Haupapanui Makua

    Population Health Specialist - Environmental Health, Nutrition & Oral Health

  • Ikaika Regidor


    Education & Training Coordinator


Kawehi Moderow
(808) 597-6550